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Refurbishing transport shelters

We believe old transport shelters should get a second chance at serving the community. At ENI, we can refurbish shelters, so they can be reused in our public transport system. Or we can create something completely new from their frame and material.

Where refurbished shelters can be used

Public transport system

Depending on their state, refurbished shelters could be integrated back into the public transport system. This would use fewer resources than manufacturing new shelters.

Pick-up zones

Taxi stands or school pick-up zones could benefit from refurbished shelters, providing people with a safe space. Recycled shelters are more cost-effective and can therefore reduce public spending.

Recreational spaces

The opportunities for shelter refurbishment are endless. They can be used as shades in parks, turned into a swing on playgrounds or even converted into a eBike charging station. Come to our team with an idea and we will help make it reality.

Some food for thought


The two lives of a bus shelter: From production to refurbishment

From modular design, to fabrication, to refurbishment: This blog post explores how we can give bus shelters two lives.

See insight

Are you interested in using refurbished shelters for your organisation?

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